


  • Database Compability

    This connector supports integration with any JDBC or ODBC compliant database, such as Oracle Database, SQL Server, IBM DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon Redshift and more.

  • Streaming Big Data

    The connector helps you streamline your Salesforce data with your database. By using the solution you can construct your integration process between Salesforce and database as per your own unique business model and processes.

  • Exporting and Migrating Data

    Migrate and export data from Salesforce into a central data warehouse for consolidated reporting.

  • E-Commerece Integration

    Easily integrate E-commerce applications with accounting packages like QuickBooks.

Absolutely! You also have the control to make it uni-directional if you choose.

As frequent as every 5 minutes.

By default, the sync is available for almost all Salesforce objects. Please ask DBSync for an advisor to assist you further.

Sure thing! DBSync is a completely flexible solution, and also supports the integration of custom objects.

Salesforce Unlimited Edition, Professional Edition, Enterprise Edition and Non-Profit Edition

Definitely! DBSync is available for a 14-day free trial after completing the registration process.

We offer plans for businesses of all sizes. Get Started with 14 days Trial.

What Features Do You Get?



Number of Apps 2 More than 2
Customizable Mapping
Usage Limit (Records per Month) 5,000 50,000
Number of User Unlimited Unlimited
Data Flow Bi-directional Bi-directional
Customer Support Chat, Email Chat, Email, Phone
Premium Support $** $**

What Features Do You Get?


Number of Apps

More than 2

Customizable Mapping
Usage Limit (Records per Month) Unlimited
Number of User Unlimited
Data Flow Bi-directional
Customer Support Chat, Email, Phone
Premium Support $**

* Discounts available for Multi-Year Subscription. **Additional Cost Applicable.


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